Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila et altri about social media in CIAIQ2016 and ISQR2016

“Sentiment analysis as a qualitative methodology to analyze social media: case study of tourism” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Pedro Mir, Dr. Elena Puigros, Mònica Muñoz, Dr. Gaspar Berbel, Dr. Oscar. Gutiérrez, Lluís Feliu, Dra. Eva Santana, Dr. Josep Rom, Dra. Carolina L. Sorribas and Dr. Javier Crespo in the CIAIQ2016 and ISQR2016 congress, 5er Latin American Congress of Qualitative Research and 1st International Symposium on Qualitative Research to be held in Porto (Portugal) from 12 to 14 July 2016.


In this communication the qualitative methodology of sentiment analysis is used to analyze the comments in social media, and conducted a case study focused on the field of tourism. A balance of positive, neutral and negative feedback is obtained and the need to monitor and respond positively to feedback from key customers is concluded.

The study corresponds to the research task of the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Marketing and Broadband and Research Group on Innovative Systems Monetization of Digital Journalism, Marketing and Tourism (SIMPED), the CECABLE, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the University School Mediterrani of the University of Girona, Ramon Llull University-Blanquerna and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The principal investigator is Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón.