Legal note


Entered Expedient 14.803 of Direcció General de Dret i d’Entitats Jurídiques del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Associació per al Foment Cultural de Terrassa – CECABLE), CIF G-60538972..

CECABLE, established in Calle Suris, 26 2.1., 08221 de Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain, is the owner of the web site “www.cecable.net“.

According to current regulations regarding data protection as well as on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user accepts that personal data provided to CECABLE commercial, recruitment or any resulting, are incorporated into files belonging to this company, in order to provide the services required in each case, and that is explicit in the time to provide it, and to keep them informed e-mail or other means, news, products and services CECABLE. In the case of commercial communications via e-mail, the user gives express consent to send advertising via this medium.

CECABLE is committed to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to treat as confidential, and assumes, to these effects, the technical, organizational and security measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, and other applicable legislation.

Any registered user can at any time exercise the right to access, correct and, if necessary, terminate their personal data supplied by written request CECABLE Calle Suris, 26 2.1., 08221 de Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.

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