Fondevila wins the “José Nicolás Pascual Herrero” International Literary Award in Magaña (Soria)

The writer from Terrassa, Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, has won the “José Nicolás Pascual Herrero” International Literary Award in Magaña (Soria) thanks to the poetry collection “Latidos de un pueblo”. “I am happy and excited to have won this beautiful Prize with a poetry book that is imbued with rural feelings and love for nature and for life and tradition in the villages”, affirms the Professor and Doctor Fondevila, who has conquered numerous national and international awards as a writer (novel, poetry, micro-story and other genres), journalist, teacher, scientist and manager.

The contest, which has celebrated its second edition, is organized by the Asociación de Amigos de la Villa de Magaña, established in 2011. The organization aims to promote the cultural and heritage value of Magaña through literature, from the region of Tierras Altas and Soria. Fondevila’s poetry collection, “Latidos de un pueblo”, includes the poems “La vieja plaza”, “Virgen”, “Amor entre ermitas”, “Bodegón”, “No llores”, “Sin pasaporte ni pasado”, “Yo voy a ayudarte, Magaña”, “Caricia de la Sierra”, “Ahí” and “Aliento de Magaña”. Fondevila received the award on Sunday 18 August in the evening in a public event held in the 16th century Gothic Church of San Martín, above the previous Romanesque hermitage.

Fondevila is stringing together a great streak of literary awards in 2024, as it has recently won the I International Erotic and Amorous Literature Contest, with the novel “Milagro en el agua”, and the I Microstories and Micropoems Award “Romería de la Virgen de las Viñas” from Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), with the story “Romería del alma”.