Fondevila wins the Tomelloso Literary Award

The writer Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón from Terrassa has won the 1st Award of Micro-stories and Micro-poems “Romería de la Virgen de las Viñas” in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) thanks to the story “Romería del alma”. “I am happy and excited to have won the first edition of this beautiful award with a work that combines love for nature and spirituality,” says Professor and Doctor Fondevila, who has won numerous national and international prizes as a writer (novel, poetry, micro-story and other genres), journalist, teacher, scientist and manager.

The contest, organized by the newspapers “Lanza. Diario de la Mancha” and “La Voz de Tomelloso” in collaboration with the Hermandad de la Virgen de las Viñas, born with the purpose of promoting literary creation and contributing to the dissemination of the most important festival in the city of Tomelloso, in the province of Ciudad Real. The works had to refer to the Pilgrimage of Tomelloso. The contest aims to get the Pilgrimage of the Virgen de las Viñas to receive the designation of Festival of National Interest.