Secretary of the congress

Place: Auditorium Blanquerna of Universitat Ramon Llull, C/ Valldonzella, 12 – 08001 Barcelona. Coorganizers: CECABLE, Acotec, COETTC & URL (Blanquerna, Advertising, Public Relations & Marketing Department & INTADTV).

Cable Studies Center (CECABLE)
Suris, 26, 2n, 1r
08221 Terrassa (Vallès Occidental)
Telephone: 34 937 685 378
Fax: 34 934 238 922
E-mail: cecable@ilimit.com; jffondevila@ilimit.es

Inscription (limited places)

Price: 30 euros (free pass for students and professors, showing the University card)
E-mail: cecable@ilimit.com
Telephone: 937 685 378
Fax: 34 934 238 922

Registration Form

To inscribe in the XXV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (7 June 2021) you have to send an e-mail to cecable@ilimit.com informing about name, DNI, telephone and enterprise, and to make a transfer of 30 euros per person to the next account number:


IBAN ES9101828104510201528162

BBVA-Sant Pere, 44-46 (Terrassa)

Place of the Congress: Auditorium Blanquerna of Universitat Ramon Llull, C/ Valldonzella, 12 – 08001 Barcelona

Mass media: www.cablesatelitetv.com, www.conectronica.com, www.elpuntavui.catwww.lavanguardia.com, www.abc.es, TeleInforme, Electrónica y Comunicaciones Magazine, www.cineytele.com, Telecomunicaciones, www.diarioelectronicohoy.com, www.fibraopticahoy.com, www.tecnonews.info, www.industriaembebidahoy.com, www.laflecha.net, www.revistacloudcomputing.com, ACPG (Associació Catalana de Premsa Gratuïta i Mitjans Digitals), Associació Catalana de la Premsa Comarcal (ACPC), Associació Catalana de la Premsa Gratuïta i Mitjans Digitals (ACPG), Diario El Prisma, Intocable Digital.

Social networks:

Twitter: @CECABLEresearch
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Jornadas-Cable-y-Banda-Ancha-Catalu%C3%B1a-2012/348142060323
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Jornadas-Cable-y-Banda-Ancha-3798236?trk=myg_ugrp_ovr

Blog: http://telecomunicacionesyperiodismo.blogspot.com/

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/fondevilagascn/cable/

Instagram: CECABLE

This event is part of the project “New Forms of Interactive Advertising in Television, Internet and Digital Media. Real Applications on HbbTV “, funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, reference: CSO2017-88895-R (MINECO / FEDER), and of the research projects entitled” Innovative Systems of Digital Journalism Monetization (SIMPED) “, with public funding from the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 1290), and “Production systems of Spanish digital journalism in the international context and impact of broadband”.